Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

My girlfriend is from Europe, and we have lots and lots of mostly-in-fun debates about the extent to which the US sucks. No uberpatriot I, but I’ll generally rally to represent the ‘pro’ cause just based on the quality of life I enjoy here and the raw potential that I like to think this country […]

Every now and then I come across a clip from Charlie Brooker on one of the sites I read, and I’m like, “Who the hell is Charlie Brooker?” After I watch it and wipe the tears away, then I remember: Charlie Brooker is awesome. The reason I keep forgetting is, apparently, because (according to BoingBoing, […]

…before my battery runs out, or I pass out from drinking too much underpriced Argentinean beer, or both: I hope everybody is going to be watching Sarah Palin get schooled in tonight’s debate, as I will not be able to do so (at least, until it becomes available on YouTube). I’ve been blissfully out of […]

Un pueblo unido


Argentineans are obviously no strangers to organized political protest,  and even relative political stability doesn’t seem to have quenched their flames. While strolling around the government buildings in the Centro district – the Casa Rosada, the Cabildo, etc. – we noticed vanloads of police setting up crowd control barricades, news trucks, and all the other […]